
My main research project focuses on the interaction between Venezuelan immigrants and natives in Peruvian schools. I make use of exogenous classroom assignment within school-year units to determine the effects of increased immigrant presence in classrooms on natives' academic performance.

I am also a co-Principal Investigator on a Randomized Controlled Trial in the Peruvian highlands related to Sexual Education and Native Languages.

Before graduate school, I worked as a Research Assistant for a project about the long-term impacts of a colonial forced labor system on Peruvian firms' outcomes today.


I have worked as a Teaching Assistant since 2013. Before Duke, I taught Intermediate Macroeconomics (UG) at Universidad del Pacifico (2013-2014) and then led Industrial Organization (UG) discussion sessions at Universidad de Piura (2016-2018), where I obtained a Certificate in College Teaching. At Duke, I have led discussion sessions in Microeconomics (UG) and Econometrics (G) and, for the latter, I provided guidance and feedback on student research projects.

Below is a list of my teaching experience at Duke:

Guest Lecturer

Advanced Econometrics (G), Fall 2023
Economics of the Public Sector, Spring 2023
Microeconomics and Public Policy, Fall 2021

Teaching Assistant

Causal Inference (G), Spring 2022, Spring 2024
Advanced Econometrics (G), Fall 2022, Fall 2023
Economics of the Public Sector, Spring 2023
Microeconomics and Public Policy, Fall 2020, Fall 2021